Last Summer was very special for me, it was the first Summer free of some COVID restrictions which allowed for me to have many adventures. Although the Summer of 2021 brought may wonderful experiences I feel that what made it stood out was the filming of the Supergirl finale. Summer 2021 was a real special final bang to say goodbye to a series that stuck with me for so long.
A photo from my vantage point watching the cast film one of the finale scenes of the show.
I remember my first time ever hearing about the TV show Supergirl. My mother spotted the series on the cover of her TV week magazine and decided it would be a cool show for us to check out. October 26th 2015 I sat down with my mother to watch the pilot of Supergirl. I faintly recall watching the intro play for the first time, within the first five minutes of the pilot I was hooked.
With each episode after the pilot that came I became more and more obsessed and in awe with the series. Preteen me was so inspired by the show, so many badass female characters. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. The show really came into my life at the perfect time, I struggle to put into words how meaningful it was to get to be shown so many talented and powerful women during my formative years. Getting to be inspired as a young girl by these powerful women and the stories they portrayed was such a privilege and why I’m a firm believer that representation matters. The impact seeing people like you accurately portrayed on television is so important. Media representation has the power to make someone feel seen. I think that’s the most powerful thing and when not utilized such a wasted opportunity to make an impact.
After season one the show developed an even closer connection to me filming in my hometown. It truly was special to go for a walk around Vancouver and instantly recognize locations from the show. Even more special, when you happen to be on a walk home and accidentally wander into their set. I got lucky that the stars aligned and for five years I got to have so many experiences, even meeting the cast.
With the representation coming into my life at the perfect time and the deepening connection as the series decided to join my world I truly believe that I was meant to become a Supergirl fan. The series has forever changed me and I honestly believe I would not be the person I am today without it. It may have finished shooting for over a year now but I still carry the series with me to this day.